The Note: Everybody into the Pool
Politico-medios and the whole Gang of 500 are just starting to realize that this will be the first election cycle in many, many years without New York Times' columnist Bill Safire and his famous and essential year-end quiz.
The Note hereby squats on that sacred turf, months in advance, and warns you all that we will take over Safire's December office pool quizmaking role.
For now, as a show of good faith, we present readers with a timely (and unique) political prognostication test.
Unique, because we are only providing the potential answers, and not the questions or the actual answers.
1. Question 1
A. Harold Ford
B. Patrick Kennedy
C. Anthony Weiner
D. Katherine Harris
2. Question 2
A. June 20, 2005
B. August 8, 2005
C. September 30, 2005
D. November 18, 2005
Wednesday, March 30, 2005

Sam's latest headline:
Dyke tipped to take top job at Endemol as it prepares for flotation
by Sam Matthews, Brand Republic, 29 Mar 2005
Wednesday, March 30, 2005

NPPA: Best of Photojournalism 2005: Still Photography Winners
Wednesday, March 30, 2005

NPPA: Best of Photojournalism 2005: Still Photography Winners
Wednesday, March 30, 2005

How Yahoo Got Its Mojo Back
Om Malik on Broadband
A handful of blog-evangelists, a couple of key buys and some libertarian friendly moves have turned Yahoo from a dot.has.been to the new darling of the chattering classes. It is only a matter of time when mainstream media rediscovers Yahoo, and a stock market resurgence follows …
Tuesday, March 29, 2005

Barry Buys a Butler
IAC is paying around $2 Bln for Ask Jeeves, and it seems that Barry Diller couldn't let Yahoo! grab the Monday morning headlines. Not to be outdone by Yahoo!'s announcement on Sunday that they had bought photo-sharing site Flickr, Diller is buying the butler-driven internet search engine Ask Jeeves.
The price reflects both a serious premium on the current Jeeves stock price and the current buying flury going on in the online search market. This latest buy follows on the heels of aquisition by The New York Times.
IAC Offers $1.85 Bln for Ask Jeeves to Gain Web Advertising Bloomberg
IAC, Ask Jeeves confirm $1.85 bln deal MarketWatch
Ask Jeeves stock price
Google news search
Monday, March 21, 2005

Yahoo! buys Flickr
After a month of rumors, now it's official. Yahoo! has bought Flickr. Jerry Yang confirmed it while speakign at PC Forum. Given the roll-out of Yahoo! 360, this acquisition fits nicely within their strategy.
More here:
Flickr blog
Yahoo's Jeremy D. Zawodny
Google news search
Monday, March 21, 2005

I'm moving to London, so posting will be sporadic over the next few weeks.
Monday, March 07, 2005

Shane and Dav win!
In front of a packed house at the EWZ in Zurich, American freeride legends Shane McConkey and Chris Davenport were voted winners of the 2005 Red Bull Hike&Ride by the members of the other teams. Swiss riders Dani Constandache & Dany Kistler won the Sony Master Shot Award for their technical achievement.
The two Americans, the first participants from outside of Europe, mixed humor and the extreme to produce a fantastic ski adventure which included steep skiing, hard hiking, BASE jumping and … are you ready for this … DEATH.
Here is their winning clip: Dick Et Alphonse Trouve Hiver
The film was a funny battle between a loud, obnoxious American (Dick) and an arrogant snotty Frenchman (Alphonse). By poking fun at silly stereotypes, Chris and Shane made a real statement about creativity, friendship, having fun, and living life on the edge.
You can check out the fantastic on-mountain shots of Chris and Shane by Myriam Lang-Villar.
As for the other clips, they were great, too.
Dani Constandaché & Dany Kistler (CH) Local boys Dani and Dany, winners of Sony Master Shot Award for technical achievement, are on the hunt for the last Edelweiss in Switzerland. Fantastic riding and tons of fresh trax make this flower of a film smell incredibly sweet.
Andreas Monsberger & Chris Kröll (AUT) The Aesthetikers are in the house! Chris and Mone (aka Team Austria) find some magic snowboard juice and shred the Jungfrau Region with super stylish riding with their newfound skilz.
Stéphane Lochon & Julien Joud (FRA) Le riding … C’est fun! Stéphane & Julien want to show why riding is fun. Follow the snowboarding snowman down the slopes and see what Team France has been up to in the woods of the Swiss Alps.
Giacomo Kratter & Christian "GroS" (ITA) Fore!!! What do you get when you mix a pair of sophisticated golfers with two Italian punk riders? Let Giacomo and GroS show you what it means to be an aristo-punk playing combat mountain golf. Got it? Ok, now tee off!
David Garcia Christobal & Luis Gonzalez (ESP) The official public team of the 2005 Red Bull Hike&Ride discover a mountain psychic and see their future. Are there fresh trax in the Spaniards’ future or broken bones? You’ll have to watch to find out.
Sven Kueenle & Jonathan Pülz (GER) Freeskiers Sven and Jonee are Wanted! After stealing their photographer’s car and running out of gas, the German pair have to find alternative energy sources to keep things moving.
You can see low-res versions of the films here. More photos soon, on
Thursday, March 03, 2005
