Web 3.0
Jeffrey Zeldman takes a (funny geeky) piss.
Tuesday, January 31, 2006

Just in case you missed it: Friday's email on Tuesday
New insight into Word of Mouth marketing, the return of banner ads, and the web’s best advertising blogs are among the things making waves this Friday in the blogosphere.
WOMMA's WOMBAT: Word of Mouth Basic Training The latest Word of Mouth Marketing Association conference was a sold-out success. For both background and a summary of the event, check out the following article in the New York Times: Advertising Is Obsolete. Everyone Says So. · Official blog · Conference Updates · How-To's · Interviews · Podcasts
Will 2006 Be A "Banner" Year? Fred Wilson (Flatiron Partners and Union Square Ventures) comments that CPM advertising (i.e. banners and sponsorships) may be making a relative comeback in comparison to search in 2006.
Paraphrase: According to the B2B online survey "2006 Marketing Priorities and Plans" of 366 senior marketing executives that seems to indicate that observation is correct, it looks like it. In 2006, 72.0% of marketers plan to increase online budgets. Within Internet spending, the specific media that will receive the greatest share of marketers' online budgets in 2006 will be * Web sites (30.3%) * E-mail (22.0%) * Search (20.3%) * Sponsorships (10.3%)
If "web sites" and "sponsorships" mean CPM based advertising, then it seems to indicate that twice the amount of money is going into CPM advertising in 2006 than is going into search.
Battle of the Ad Blogs 2006 Quoting: A posse of adgrunts have sifted through the ever growing pile of ad blogs to find the gems and pit them against each other. Your vote is needed to sort out the crème de la crème! We've sorted the blogs with the right stuff into categories and want you to vote in any or all of them.
In other news ...
Betfair wins 2 UK Gambling (Inside Edge) awards. Rumours circulate that the ghost of Winston Churchill makes an appearance at the Banquet House.
If there's an award for best use of a choir in a car commercial, this ad from Honda UK has got it locked up.
The Ricky Gervais podcast has passed 2 million downloads.
Business 2.0 announces the 10 dumbest moments: Grand-prize winners.
Tuesday, January 31, 2006

Richard Edelman: The Me2 Revolution
Worth reading.
The most profound finding of the 2006 Edelman Trust Barometer is that in six of the 11 countries surveyed, the "person like yourself or your peer" is seen as the most credible spokesperson about a company and among the top three spokespeople in every country surveyed. This has advanced steadily over the past three years.
Beyond the lack of confidence in the traditional sources of information lies a more fundamental change, a yearning to move beyond the simple act of consumption of information to social networking. The rise of MySpace, Facebook, and Wikipedia is premised on sharing of content with a group of likeminded individuals. It is the wisdom of the crowd, with constant updating of content based on personal experience.
Television is the big loser in media trustworthiness with the rise of the Internet. When asked where they turn first for trustworthy information, 29% of respondents in the U.S. still cite TV first, down from 39% three years ago. The Internet is now cited by 19%, up from 10% in 2003. The same trend is evident in the U.K., where television has declined from 42% to 33% as respondents’ first choice, while the Internet has risen from 5% to 15%. Newspapers, which are often thought to be the most serious casualty of the Internet wave, show rankings essentially unchanged in most markets at approximately 20%. Newspapers remain the first trusted medium of choice for respondents in France, Germany, Japan, Brazil, Korea, and Italy.
Tuesday, January 31, 2006

The Five Steps of Word of Mouth Marketing MarketingProfs.com
According to WOMMA's Andy Sernowitz, heres' all it takes: Step | Easy | Advanced | 1. Talkers | Volunteers, customers, bloggers | Influencer, agent, evangelism programs | 2. Topic | Special offer, great service, new product | Viral campaign, buzz stunt, new feature | 3. Tools | Tell-A-Friend form, forwardable email, coupon | Message board, online communities, blogs | 4. Take Part | Join blog & message board conversation | Outreach teams, campaigns by PR and customer service | 5. Track | Blogpulse, Feedster, Technorati, Google | Advanced metrics program, trend analysis | 1. Talkers: People who are more likely to relay your word of mouth message
2. Topics: Portable concepts for people to talk about, simple ideas that are word-of-mouth friendly
3. Tools: Techniques and technology that make it easier for word of mouth conversations to take place
4. Taking part: Participating in the word of mouth conversation and engaging in a genuine two-way dialog
5. Tracking: Measuring the online conversation
Tuesday, January 31, 2006

So, what's next? Why, Web 2.0, naturally. SFGate.com
Latest buzz is about making sites more interactive, less static
The term Web 2.0 has taken the Internet industry by storm with legions of Web sites claiming to follow its tenets.
Executives frequently cite the phrase to refer to a new generation of Web sites that are far more dynamic than their predecessors. Instead of a solitary experience, like reading a newspaper or a catalog online, these Web sites allow users to interact with each other and help shape what appears on the screen.
Tuesday, January 31, 2006

Channel 9
Ok, so I admit it ... I just found this.
1. Channel 9 is all about the conversation. Channel 9 should inspire Microsoft and our customers to talk in an honest and human voice. Channel 9 is not a marketing tool, not a PR tool, not a lead generation tool.
2. Be a human being. Channel 9 is a place for us to be ourselves, to share who we are, and for us to learn who our customers are.
3. Learn by listening. When our customers speak, learn from them. Don't get defensive, don't argue for the sake of argument. Listen and take what benefits you to heart.
4. Be smart. Think before you speak, there are some conversations which have no benefit other than to reinforce stereotypes or create negative situations.
5. Marketing has no place on Channel 9. When we spend money on Channel 9 the goal is to surprise and delight, not to promote or preach.
6. Don't shock the system. Lasting change only happens in baby steps.
7. Know when to turn the mic off. There are some topics which will only result in problems when you discuss them. This has nothing to do with censorship, but with working within the reality of the system that exists in our world today. You will not change anything by taking on legal or financial issues, you will only shock the system, spook the passengers, and create a negative situation.
8. Don't be a jerk. Nobody likes mean people.
9. Commit to the conversation. Don't stop listening just because you are busy. Don't stop participating because you don't agree with someone. Relationships are not built in a day, be in it for the long haul and we will all reap the benefits as an industry. Where we came from
Tuesday, January 31, 2006

Vote & Win : Red Bull Hike And Ride 2006
Your vote counts from 30 January to 7 February, and you can win a Sony Mini DV Camcorde signed by the stars of the Red Bull Hike&Ride 2006.
It's up to you to decide which public team will participate in the fourth edition of the Red Bull Hike&Ride, and it'll be a tough choice. Anyone can vote — but only once. So take a close look at the clips and choose the team with the best riding skills, best knack for technique and best portion of creativity.
My take?
Team 1: Nicki Langer & Jakub Malik These two get my prize for best concept. The Karate Kid skit is funny, and they even manage to get Mr. Myagi to smoke some Bonsai.
Team 2: Sebastian Camus & Daniel Glauser The fact that I cannot remember much about their little film 5 minutes after watching it does not bode well. International concept, if I remember it correctly. Pretty good riding. To make it at the Hike & Ride, however, you've got to stand out.
Team 3: Thomas Krapf & Alexander Zalokar The Austrians are a bit of a one-trick pony, but it is one hell of a trick. The handheld camera is fab, and they've got obvious on-piste talent. The short on-street self interview shows that they don't take themselves too seriously. These guys might have what it takes.
Team 4: Joakim Chardonnens & Julien Ecuyer Their demo concept shows talent, but is not original. The winning team 2 years ago did something very similar. They seem pretty ok in front of the camera, however. Both are sponsored riders, so they're not really amateurs in the true spirit of the competition.
It's a tough call, but I'm going with Thomas and Alexander.
Monday, January 30, 2006

My take: 6/10 (worht a look) Collaborative, randomized surfing. It makes wasting time site surfing more focused. If you want to waste 5 minutes (or all day) looking at sites other people like you think are interesting, then this one is for you.
StumbleUpon uses / ratings to form collaborative opinions on website quality. When you stumble, you will only see pages which friends and like–minded stumblers have liked.
Monday, January 30, 2006

Can't decide what to do this weekend? Try All In's London Night Out Generator and let it plan your evening for you.
Monday, January 30, 2006

RSS 2 PDF Free Online RSS, Atom or OPML to PDF Generator
Monday, January 30, 2006

Update: Live.com and other news from Microsoft SearchChamps
New Live.com Services Shown at SearchChamps TechCrunch
Microsoft Search Champs: Non-NDA Stuff Read/WriteWeb
Thursday, January 26, 2006

Particletree and Treehouse
I just found a new 2.0 blog, Particletree, which I find interesting. They're part of 9Rules and are also responsible for the (mostly paid content based) web development magazine, Treehouse.
Preloading Data with Ajax and JSON Particletree
Thursday, January 26, 2006

Two wins out of ten awards: Not a bad strike rate.
Betfair wins two awards at the UK Gambling/Inside Edge Awards: Best Betting Exchange and The Dennis Gambling Best of 2005 Award - the blue ribbon award of the event.
Nothing like winning in a room full of fixed odds bookmakers and other High Street shops to make one feel at home. A yank quoting Churchill on stage probably didn't help things much, either. ;)
" ... Coming from a yank, I'm sure this might sound strange, but to paraphrase Winston Churchill, 'History will be kind to us, for we intend to write it.'"
Inside Edge UK
Wednesday, January 25, 2006

Olivo Barbieri
Good stuff. First discovered via an article called Model World on Metropolis Magazine. Another article (photos and Italian text) on his Siet Specific Roma series is on SGUARDI online.
Other links/galleries include:
Hamiltons Gallery
Zone Zero
Links to Multiple Exhibitions
Links on Artfacts.Net
Tuesday, January 24, 2006

50 Most Loathsome People in The BEAST: America's Best FIend
Tuesday, January 24, 2006

Fred Wilson and Michael Arrington on Pandora vs. LastFM
I've tried both and think that LastFM has the edge. Better social networking. Better interface. Blogger tools. Despite requiring a download, I prefer it. For totally new recommendations/discovery, I think Pandora is probably better, but for someone with established mucical tastes who is lookign for tangential recommendations along side cool social networking tools, LastFM is where it's at.
Pandora vs. Last.fm A VC
Pandora v. Last.fm TechCrunch
Tuesday, January 24, 2006

Y! employee: Google will Miss Q4 Estimate
Amr Awadallah Blog: Google will miss 2005-Q4 quarter revenue estimates.
Tuesday, January 24, 2006

open 24 hours The streets are alive, by Nitsa SX-70 Polaroid Manipulation
Monday, January 23, 2006

Word of Mouth Basic Training Official site blog Conference Updates Archives How-To's Interviews Podcasts
Advertising Is Obsolete. Everyone Says So. New York Times
Others from Google News
Monday, January 23, 2006

Du bist Deutschland
If you were ever interested, here's your chance to find out what it is all about. Then, check out the orifinal (and great fake) images on Flickr.
SCHOLZ .. jens scholz .. .. .. proud part of the "Klowande des Internets" (Jean-Remy von Matt) ..
Monday, January 23, 2006

A Generation Serves Notice: It's a Moving Target - New York Times
Joe Hanson, 22, of Chicago likes to watch television, but rarely on his TV. A folder on his computer lists an inventory of downloaded cable and network programming - the kind of thing that makes traditional media executives shudder.
"I've got 'Ali G,' 'Arrested Development,' 'Scrubs,' 'The Sopranos,' " Mr. Hanson told a visitor recently at his apartment on the city's Southwest Side. " 'South Park,' 'The Office,' some 'Family Guy.' "
From the avalanche of Nintendo games alongside his TV to his very roommate - acquired through the online classified site Craigslist - Mr. Hanson channels the characteristics of a generation weaned on digital technology and media convergence.
Monday, January 23, 2006

Hike & Ride 2006
Preparations are almost complete for the 2006 event in February, and I'll be blogging and heli-reporting again this year. Poor me. ;-)
In case you missed it: The winners of the 2005 Red Bull Hike&Ride, Chris Davenport & Shane McConkey mixed humor and the extreme to produce a fantastic ski adventure which includes steep skiing, hard hiking, BASE jumping and – are you ready for this – DEATH. Enjoy USA vs France in "Dick Et Alphonse Trouve Hiver."
Below is part of an email describing the places we're considering for the days leading up to this year's event.
More to come ...
klosters is part of the davos ski region, by the way. massive location. tons of terrain. the hike & ride (the red bull even that i help organize) was in davos 2 years ago. very nice place. not the greatest apres-ski/night life, but still a very nice place.
davos links: http://www.bergfex.ch/graubuenden/ http://www.davosklosters.ch/ http://www.ifyouski.com/switzerland/jungfrau2/
i'm still keen on waiting on a decision until we know where we can find the best powder. if we have davos in our pocket and given the right conditions, i think it would be fun. if the weather is clearly going to be better somewhere else, i'd rather not.
a few other places i'd like to consider are:
1) the jungfrau region: (map) http://www.bergfex.ch/schilthorn/ http://www.bergfex.ch/maennlichen/
shilthorn (murren) is an excellent spot. you have to take a cablecar up to get there, and the village sits on the side of a cliff with ski-in-ski-out hotels and excellent views. skiing is awesome. maennlichen (wengen) is the larger resort, also part of the jungfrau region, and also has some great spots. reviews/links to most of the hotels in murren and wengen are here.
official sites are: JungfrauWinter.ch MySwitzerland.com
a funny option: stayed at the "funny farm" in interlaken on the way to the jungfrau region when we did the hike&ride last year. if we wanted to crash/party on friday night, we could stay there and be in the mountains on saturday morning. i know the owner, and he's a great guy. great place to relax ... just like in amsterdam. ahem.
2) engelberg (awesome skiing. was there last year.) http://www.engelberg.ch/Winter/index.php http://www.bergfex.ch/engelberg/ http://www.ifyouski.com/
3) andermatt (never been. supposed to be very good.) http://www.andermatt.ch/ http://www.skiswitzerland.com/andermat http://www.bergfex.ch/naetschen/ http://www.skiswitzerland.com/andermat
4) laax (never been. looks awesome. will ask red bull folks about it.) http://www.laax.com/ http://www.bergfex.ch/laax/
5) gargellen (x-factor. austria. small, secluded, fantastic. close to silvretta nova) http://www.gargellen.at/ http://www.bergfex.at/gargellen/ http://www.bergfex.at/nova/
Monday, January 23, 2006

Battle of the ad blogs 2006!
Monday, January 23, 2006

The Beta Band
Don’t Blow Your Beta TechCrunch
Web applications: Being Beta WeBreakStuff
Monday, January 23, 2006

The Ricky Gervais podcast has passed 2 million downloads. Official Site: Guardian Unlimited
Ricky Gervais podcast gets 2m downloads halfway through series Brand Republic
Sunday, January 22, 2006

Note to self: Post a reply
Web 2.0: The marketing nightmare Netimperative
Sunday, January 22, 2006

The Research Issue
Here's Sunday's copy of Friday's mail, for those who missed it.
This week, let’s look at some facts and figures floating around the Blogosphere.
Stats • 27% of the US internet population reads blogs • 16MM peak simultaneous IM users on Tencent … in China. • 54MM registered Skype users (25 months after launch) • 54% (and rising) of all US online usage is comprised of email, chat, IM & VoIP • 10% of Yahoo IM sessions end in a phone call • 5MM radio listeners listened to a Podcast in 2005 (forecast to double in ’06 and ’07) • 6MM Americans (2% of US adults and 5% of teens) use RSS • Google’s power draw is comparable to a small city (35,000–50,000 homes) • Heat: You could probably cook a turkey on an IBM BladeCenter rack
Internet Trends Mary Meeker, Managing Director, Morgan Stanley Market perspective and a ton of interesting numbers.
The state of the blogosphere, 2005 David Sifry, Founder and CEO, Technorati, Inc. Simply. Incredible. Growth.
Peel back Web 2.0, and what do you find? Tom Barton, President and CEO, Rackable Systems Servers, storage, and a hell of a lot of heat. Tom takes us on a tour of the place where the metal meets the web.
Believe It or Not Hossein Eslambolchi, President of AT&T's Global Networking Technology Services, CTO & CIO The CTO of the walled garden giant AT&T says the future is open. Hmmmm ...
Launch Pad Presentations from 6 of the companies who launched their products at Web 2.0 Conference. Don’t miss Allpeers. Remember that name. • RealTravel, Ken Leeder • Zvents, Ethan Stock • KnowNow, Ron Rasmussen • Orb, Ian McCarthy • Wink, Michael Tanne • Allpeers, Matthew Gertner
User Interface John Kish, CEO, Wyse :: Where is the next billion-person market for the personal computer? And what might that computer look like?
Who's Listening to Podcasts? eMarketer :: While many people still haven't heard of podcasting, many others can't wait to hear more. There is little argument - perhaps with the exception of VoIP - that podcasting was the breakout Internet phenomenon of 2005. It changed the listening habits of millions of consumers and affected the way radio — and to an extent, television — broadcasters communicated to their audiences.
In other news ...
"We propose that despite the fact that meetings may help to achieve work-related goals, having too many meetings and spending too much time in meetings per day may have negative effects on the individual."
Zork revisited: A Text Misadventure Must-read: Marketing in the post-Cluetrain era Bloggers love: Jack Houghton
Have a great weekend, ~G~
Sunday, January 22, 2006

Two more good posts by Guy Kawasaki
The Zen of Business Plans
How to Kick Butt On a Panel
Sunday, January 22, 2006

Marketing in the post-Cluetrain era HorsePigCow
The points below are strong. The case to make them is stronger. Read the full post.
A good marketer is a Community Advocate
A good marketer knows today's brands aren't built in boardrooms or ad agencies or brainstorming sessions
A good marketer plans a little, but changes alot
A good marketer doesn't only respond to community needs today, but also knows what needs will arise tomorrow
A good marketer rewards the community members who stand behind him/her
A good marketer gets involved in the community
A good marketer is her/his own client
A good marketer knows when to back off
A good marketer learns to use the tools available to them
A good marketer never takes her/himself to seriously
Friday, January 20, 2006

Iraqi Invasion: A Text Misadventure Revision 88 / Serial number 54892 defective yeti
Oval Office You are standing inside a White House, having just been elected to the presidency of the United States. You knew Scalia would pull through for you.
There is a large desk here, along with a few chairs and couches. The presidential seal is in the middle of the room and there is a full-length mirror upon the wall.
What do you want to do now?
> INVADE IRAQ You are not able to do that, yet.
> LOOK MIRROR Self-reflection is not your strong suit.
> PET SEAL It's not that kind of seal.
It just gets better from there ...
Thursday, January 19, 2006

Nielsen BuzzMetrics
VNU brings together BuzzMetrics and Intelliseek to create a new standard in measuring consumer-generated media and word of mouth.
Thursday, January 19, 2006

They say all revolutions are started by dreamers.
If this is true, ihaveanidea is one long dream. We vow not to rest until we make drastic and constructive changes in the advertising industry. Why? Because the advertising industry we want to work for doesn't yet exist.
This is not a website. It is an interactive project, an online and accessible pool of knowledge to which you can and should contribute. We are much bigger as a whole than as individuals.
Tuesday, January 17, 2006

Betfair in Oz
Betfair wins first Australian licence SMH.com
Australia's first internet betting exchange will open for business next month. Betfair was granted a licence on Monday by the Tasmanian Gaming Commission. The announcement follows state government approval in November for the joint venture between UK-based Betfair and the Packer family's Publishing and Broadcasting Limited (PBL). PBL executive chairman James Packer said in a statement the licence was a significant step forward for the wagering industry.
Search Google News for more.
Monday, January 16, 2006

Go Dave!
BzzAgent Hive Grows with $13.75M in VC Financing Direct link to PDF.
Led by General Catalyst Partners and IDG Ventures Boston, the new round of funding will be used to expand its market position and organizational infrastructure. John Simon from General Catalyst Partners and Jeffrey Bussgang from IDG Ventures will join the company’s board of directors.
CNET News.com Boston Business Journal TMC Net Google News for others
Sunday, January 15, 2006

NMA interviewed Hugh MacLeod, Andy Sernovitz and me for an article dealing with WOM in Europe. Things are still nascent here in the UK, but there are signs of growing interest in WOM marketing. Given BzzAgent's $13.75M VC financing, who knows what could happen ...
Spread the word New Media Age, by Emma Rubach (Registration/Subscription required)
Word-of-mouth marketing has been around in essence since the invention of the parish pump. But although its online counterpart is set to be the next big thing, it still remains shrouded in mystery and few brands have taken the plunge.
One exception is online gambling site Betfair, which is experimenting with word of mouth by rewarding those users who communicate most effectively with others about the site.
"We want to be the biggest online gambling community and we're trying to help punters who know we have a revolutionary product to spread the word," explains Betfair head of consumer marketing George Nimeh. "We've discovered some are better at it than others and we're working on finding them, getting them together and giving them a better take on our business."
Saturday, January 14, 2006

Who's Listening to Podcasts? eMarketer
While many people still haven't heard of podcasting, many others can't wait to hear more.
There is little argument - perhaps with the exception of VoIP - that podcasting was the breakout Internet phenomenon of 2005. It changed the listening habits of millions of consumers and affected the way radio — and to an extent, television — broadcasters communicated to their audiences.
Friday, January 13, 2006

Google Local for mobile
Works with BlackBerry. :) US-only. :(
Tuesday, January 10, 2006

Today is Yesterday is Tomorrow.
Widgets brought push delivery back. Now FeedBlitz (and others) bring email subscription back. What's next? We all get a free AOL account?
FeedBlitz - EMail Blog and RSS Subscription Services
Tuesday, January 10, 2006

i-boy: Now powered by FeedBurner
Finally set up my RSS feeds with Feedburner, so now there is no excuse for not getting your daily dose of posts from i-boy.
Tuesday, January 10, 2006

O'Reilly Network: What Is Web 2.0 Design Patterns and Business Models for the Next Generation of Software by Tim O'Reilly, 09/30/2005
FYI: Just in case you haven't seen this, you should read/study/memorize much of this if you are interested in Web 2.0 anything.
Monday, January 09, 2006

Web Two Point Oh!
Create your own Web 2.0 Company in one click ...
Monday, January 09, 2006

This search result sucks.
Monday morning, and there is still no webcast of Larry Page's presentation at CES. What are they thinking? It even took them a couple days to publish a press release stating that Google Video would be out "soon."
I've looked on the CES site, on Google, Google Video, Google's press releases, Google's blog and a bunch of other blogs like Engadget where it would be if it were available. Maybe I missed it. If the webcast/vidcast is out there, and you happen to know where it is, please email googlecast(at)i-boy(dotcom).
Update: CNET News.com has a 9-minute stream of the speech. It is the part where Page announces Google Video store and is joined onstage by Les Moonves from CBS. Still no sign of the full webcast.
Update II: Took a while, but a webcast is now online.
Monday, January 09, 2006

File under: Yes, please!
Good things come in small packages: Optimus keyboard
From Engadget: Patent controversy or no patent controversy, it appears that Russia's Art Lebedev Studio is pushing forward with its plans to introduce their new buzz-crazy Optimus Keyboard on February 1st. They're a little oblique about what exactly they're introducing -- their site now says "Good Things Come in Small Packages -- February 1, 2006". To jog your memory, the Optimus is that keyboard where each key has a customizable mini OLED display that allows you to tailor the layout -- with color graphics, if you'd like -- so that it's optimized for use with different applications. Still not entirely sure that they'll be able to pull it off (at a price that real people can afford), but we'll have our credit cards primed on February 1st.
Monday, January 09, 2006

Quoting Techcrunch: I came across Israel-based dPolls today. It’s a very quick and easy way to create a well designed, Ajax-rich interactive poll that can be integrated directly into a website.
Thanks Ajaxian and Techcrunch.
Saturday, January 07, 2006

Yahoo! Go
The fact that Charlene Li is interested in this makes me think it can't be all that great.
Yahoo! Go shows how to connect the Internet to devices Forrester
Yahoo! announced its new Yahoo! Go suite, which consists of Yahoo! Go Mobile, Yahoo! Go TV, and Yahoo! Go Desktop. I think it's significant because Yahoo! shows how a traditional Internet content and service provider can link to devices like phones and TVs.
Here is the video podcast.
Saturday, January 07, 2006

Things I learned about Google while reading up on Page's CES Keynote
Engadget blogged the Page keynote, btw. I haven't found a webcast yet, which sucks. Why wasn't it on Google Video as the featured thing of the day? Seems rather silly not to have done that, given the new product launch ... Here is John Battell on Google's CES announcements.
Google Unwraps the Google Pack
CES, LAS VEGAS, Nev., January 6, 2005 – Google Inc. (NASDAQ: GOOG) today announced Google Pack beta, a free collection of safe, useful software from Google and other companies that improves the user experience online and on the desktop. In just a few clicks, users can easily discover, install and maintain software to surf the web faster and safer, communicate better, and effectively manage information.
Google to Launch Video Marketplace
CES, LAS VEGAS, NV – Jan. 6, 2006 – Live from the 2006 Consumer Electronics Show (CES), Google Inc. (NASDAQ: GOOG) announced the planned opening of the Google Video Store, the first open video marketplace enabling consumers to buy and rent a wide range of video content from a major television network, a professional sports league, cable programmers, independent producers and film makers. This fast growing collection of videos will include prime-time and classic hits from CBS, a full slate of NBA games from this season and outstanding performances from the past, music videos from SONY BMG, Charlie Rose interviews as well as news and historical content from ITN and new titles being added everyday.
Google Local for Mobile
Combining directions, maps, and satellite imagery, Google Local for mobile is a free download that lets you find local hangouts and businesses across town or across the country — right from your phone.
"20 percent time"
Google engineers all have "20 percent time" in which they’re free to pursue projects they’re passionate about. This freedom has already produced Google News, Google Suggest, AdSense for Content, and Orkut – products which might otherwise have taken an entire start-up to launch.
Developing ...
Saturday, January 07, 2006

Random Chuck Norris Fact: Top Thirty Facts
My favorite: If you can see Chuck Norris, he can see you. If you can't see Chuck Norris you may be only seconds away from death.
Friday, January 06, 2006

Letterman to O'Reilly: "60% of what you say is crap" Crooks and Liars
O'REILLY: No way that a terrorist that blows up women and children is going to be called a freedom fighter on my program. (applause)
LETTERMAN: I'm not smart enough to debate you point to point on this, but I have the feeling that about 60 percent of what you say is crap (laughter)...
LETTERMAN: 60 percent...I'm just spitballing here.
O'REILLY: Listen, I respect your opinion. You should respect mine (applause.) Our analysis is based on the best evidence we can get.
LETTERMAN: This fair and balanced...I don't think you represent an objective viewpoint.
Full transcript of the show is here.
Friday, January 06, 2006

Extratasty Get Your Booze On!
2.0 bartender ...
Thursday, January 05, 2006

The press loves us.
Personally, I'm very happy with the recent decisions Betfair has made.
When Hill left, it was the right move. Why rush an IPO when you've got plenty of cash and the World Cup to focus on? Not the only reasons, but nonetheless important. With a massive 2006 and World Cup, we'll be a much bigger and more valuable company.
Our new CEO (former COO), David Yu, is fantastic and just the person with the right vision, determination, skill and passion to lead this company forward, especially now.
In terms of the Chairman, well, I like Sir Bob, don't get me wrong. He reminded me of my grandfather, and I liked him very much. But like my grandfather, Sir Bob is old-school, and we most certainly are not. Plus, we need a kick-ass CFO, and I'd bet that Bunting's book is full of contacts.
Betting exchange denies crisis as three directors resign Times Online
Boardroom blow for Betfair This is Money
IT guy becomes new Betfair CEO silicon.com
David Yu Appointed Betfair CEO The Virtual FormGuide
Betfair Appoints Chief Operating Officer Yu as Chief Executive Bloomberg
Thursday, January 05, 2006

Revenge of the Dotcom Poster Boy By Eryn Brown, Wired 14.01
Jason McCabe Calacanis was the king - and kingmaker - of New York's Silicon Alley, a new media cheerleader turned media mogul. Then the bubble burst. But, baby, he's back.
Thursday, January 05, 2006

Web 2.0 Workgroup
The Web 2.0 Workgroup is a network of premium weblogs that write content about the new generation of the Web.
Thursday, January 05, 2006

If you need me on 8 Feb, this is where I'll be ...
Carson Workshops Summit - The Future of Web Apps
This one-day conference brings together those pioneers in the web development industry who are setting the agenda for tomorrow's apps. They will be discussing how Web 2.0 technologies are changing the way we interact and how you can use these to build powerful, next generation tools. So whether you're a business owner, developer or entrepreneur this day will help you choose the right technology for your next web-based application.
Thursday, January 05, 2006

Thursday, January 05, 2006

According to Michael Arrington over at TechCrunch: AllPeers Is The FireFox "Killer App"
AllPeers is a free extension which combines the strength of Firefox and the efficiency of BitTorrent to transform your favorite browser into a media sharing powerhouse.
AllPeers blog is here.
Thursday, January 05, 2006

Tracking the elusive Google 'cube' CNET News.com
Speculation that Google is about to launch an Internet appliance-like device for the home started last November and picked up speed this week on the eve of the Consumer Electronics Show in Las Vegas, where Google co-founder Larry Page is scheduled to deliver a keynote speech. Here's a not-so-brief history of how this story started.
Google is the word at the Consumer Electronics Show MercuryNews.com
The Google PC ... why not? ZDNet.com
PCWorld.com - Is Google Prepping a Low-Cost PC? PC World
Cringely's articles from November ...
Google-Mart I, Cringely
Sam Walton Taught Google More About How to Dominate the Internet Than Microsoft Ever Did: Play to your strengths. That's the key to success in any industry. This is the week I promised to explain where I think Google is headed, and playing to the company's strengths is key if they are going to do what I think, which is effectively take over the Internet. Oh they won't steal it or strong-arm us. They'll seduce us into giving it to them. And I am not at all sure that's a bad thing.
The Google Box I, Cringely
Taking over the digital world four ounces at a time: How can I top last week's prediction about Google's shipping container data centers? By explaining a bit more about how the system came to be and how it will work.
Wednesday, January 04, 2006

File under: Bobby Fisher
AJAX Translator
Joel Parish is a fifteen year old web developer attending Oaks Christian High School in Southern California as a Sophomore.
Tuesday, January 03, 2006
