The Smart Money Would Bet on Betfair
Betfair beauty parade takes IPO closer, by Matthew Garrahan
Betfair, the world's largest internet betting exchange, is close to appointing an IPO adviser after holding a beauty parade this week when it saw bankers from Goldman Sachs, Morgan Stanley and UBS.
In the clearest sign yet that Betfair is close to an IPO that could value it at £500m, the group will make its appointment in July with the two US banks believed to have the edge over UBS.
Betfair going from strength to strength, by Will Sturgeon
And with summer of sport ahead the dot-com exchange could cash in further...
Pioneering internet betting exchange has recorded continued growth after its model of allowing punters to trade bets with one another continued to win hearts and minds among the UK gambling public over the past 12 months.
Betfair is increasingly singled out as the current poster child of UK dot-com success and reported a 61 per cent increase in annual revenue and an 87 per cent hike in profits to support such claims.
Betfair profit races ahead amid talk of flotation
Betfair, the world's biggest person-to-person betting exchange, has posted an 87 per cent rise in underlying full-year profit amid growing speculation of a stock market flotation.
Betfair chief’s stake could pass £10m with flotation Times Online, by Dominic Walsh
The chief executive of Betfair, the betting exchange, has been given shares that will be worth more than £10 million when the company pursues its expected stock market flotation.
Stephen Hill, a former chief executive of the Financial Times Group, who joined Betfair in July 2003, stands to get 3.13 million shares, which have been put into an employee benefit trust in his name.
Betfair's profit surge adds to talk of possible flotation Telegraph, by Alistair Osborne
Betfair, the world's biggest person-to-person betting exchange is expected to decide next month whether to press ahead with a London flotation, valuing the business at as much as £700m-£800m.
The company, which yesterday posted an 87pc rise in underlying full-year operating profits to £22.3m on revenues up 61pc to £107m, is likely to decide before its annual meeting on July 19.
Wednesday, June 29, 2005

Supreme Decisions
Court Rules File-Sharing Networks Can Be Held Liable for Illegal Use - New York Times: "The United States Supreme Court ruled unanimously today that Internet file-sharing services like Grokster and StreamCast Networks could be held responsible if they encouraged users to trade songs, movies and television shows online without paying for them."
Commandment Displays Allowed on Some Government Property - New York Times: "The Supreme Court ruled today that displaying the Ten Commandments on government property does not necessarily violate the constitutional principle that there must be a separation between church and state."
Supreme Court Declines to Hear Reporters' Appeal in Leak Case - New York Times: "The United States Supreme Court declined today to hear the cases of two reporters facing jail time for refusing to testify about conversations with their confidential sources."
Court Says Cable Operators Don't Have to Give Access to Rivals - New York Times: "The United States Supreme Court ruled today that cable television operators did not have to allow rivals to offer high-speed Internet access over their systems."
Court Refuses to Fault Police on Handling of Protection Order - New York Times: "The Supreme Court ruled today, in a case closely watched by local government officials and by groups fighting domestic violence, that a Colorado woman could not sue the police for failing to protect her and her children from her estranged husband."
Tuesday, June 28, 2005

DownlOde to Joy
BBC Radio 3 is offering downloadable live performances of all of Beethoven's nine symphonies from next month, part of the corporation's Beethoven Experience.
And, yes, I know ... that title sucks, right?
Wednesday, June 01, 2005

Navigating London
Chris Sherman, SearchEngineWatch
London offers wonderful opportunities for rambling exploration—but it's also easy to lose your bearings if you're not careful. Fortunately, the web offers some terrific navigation tools and maps to help you find your way.
Wednesday, June 01, 2005
