Ok, like, you are sooooo busted.
This is why you should never get too drunk at office parties. Thanks to JP and Karen for spotting it.
Friday, April 29, 2005

Cable & Wireless beef up Bulldog for battle with BT
The Guardian
FWIW, I decided to go with Bulldog for their 4meg service and competitive rates. I'm waiting for the installation, and I'll let you know what I think of the service once it is up an running.
Can you imagine, BT doesn't offer a combined telephone/broadband package? Go see for yourself. Seems crazy. You have to learn, sign up, and contract for them separately. No discount, of course. If you want to spin off a business unit, I'm sure it is easier if it is separate from the rest. From a customer-centric view, what BT is doing is pathetic and drives people away. Like me.
Friday, April 22, 2005

Six Degrees of Separation: Examining Back Door Links between Directors and CEO Pay
PDFs in a Flash: What Drove the Adobe Systems-Macromedia Merger?
Friday, April 22, 2005

WOMMA Summit 2005: Highlights from across the blogosphere
Keith Bates nicely sums up the first WOMMA conference.
A Penny For... also blogged the event. In particular, I like the notes from the "Using Blogs for Word of Mouth Marketing" session.
CCUCEO blogged the speaches by Andy Sernovitz and Ed Keller.
Church of the Customer: Podcast: WOMMA highlights and interviews
Experience Manifesto: WOMMA Conference
e-fluentials - In Search of WOM ROI
And finally ... Congrats to John Moore, over at Brand Autopsy, for wearing a doctor's lab coat at the conference and creating some buzz of his own.
Monday, April 04, 2005
