POE News: Rumsfeld Fighting Technique
Sunday, February 29, 2004

Very Cool.
Slowww Motion Gallery Browser
Sunday, February 29, 2004

Bloody Penguin
Sunday, February 29, 2004

Wired 12.03: The Complete Guide to Googlemania!
They named their new search engine Google, for the biggest number they could imagine. But it wasn't big enough. Today Google's a library, an almanac, a settler of bets. It's a parlor game, a dating service, a shopping mall. It's a Microsoft rival. It's a verb. At more than 200 million requests a day, it is, by far, the world's biggest search engine. And now, on the eve of a very public stock offering, it's cast as savior, a harbinger of rebirth in the Valley. How can it be so many things? It's Goooooooooogle.
By Wired Magazine
part 1: Surviving IPO Fever
What it's like inside the white-hot quiet period.
By Michael S. Malone
Friday, February 27, 2004

Clear Channel Radio has suspended the broadcast of Viacom's Howard Stern show, consistent with its Responsible Broadcasting Initiative announced earlier today. After assessing the content of yesterday's Howard Stern show, Clear Channel worked with local market managers to take swift and decisive action.
Like him or not, Stern's kick from Clear Channel is an evil cocktail of censorship and politics that is bad for everyone. Liberals, you should be screaming. Conservatives, you might wanna think about how pissed off the other side gets with Rush, Falwell and Robertson and then wonder if one of them is next.
I mean, even Limbaugh (not the biggest Stern fan in the world) has issued a stetement in defense of Howard Stern and free speech. The issues here, it would seem, are even bigger than the personalities. Imagine that. Or, Rush might be thinking that the Clear Channel folks will have more time for him now that Stern is gone.
BuzzMachine... by Jeff Jarvis
Jarvis talks about ... ok, gets very pissed about ... the censorship of Stern and the politics of speech behind it. He's right. It is beyond reason and should be screamed about. He goes a bit easy on Clear Channel, but that's his choice. Disclosure: He works for Advance Publications. So, are we not surprised that he takes it a bit easy on the media co? We all have our interests ...
Also, for those out there who want to read psudo-transcrips, you can go to Marks Freggin. Great site, but methinks he's got too much time on his hands ...
Friday, February 27, 2004

This is very funny.
Tink Hilton : One Dog Screaming
Wednesday, February 25, 2004

The Root thing looks like fun, but I wanna Flybar ...
Toy Fair's Top 10 Strangest Products
Wednesday, February 25, 2004

Join the protest.
DOWNHILL BATTLE -- DJ Danger Mouse's recent Grey Album, which remixes Jay-Z's The Black Album and the Beatles White Album, has been hailed as a innovative hip-hop triumph. Despite that and the fact that only 3,000 copies of the album are in circulation, EMI sent cease and desist letters yesterday to Danger Mouse and the handful of stores that were selling the album, demanding that the album be destroyed.
Grey Tuesday
Tuesday, February 24, 2004

Make-Yer-Own Oscar Pool Page
Monday, February 23, 2004

check out the hike & ride.
Wednesday, February 11, 2004

Legacy Foundation
Thursday, February 05, 2004

2004 Super Bowl Ads
Thursday, February 05, 2004

George W. Bush's Lost Year in 1972 Alabama
By Glynn Wilson
Wednesday, February 04, 2004
