Color schemes
a nice, simple tool ... use the pull-downs to create nice variatons ...
Tuesday, September 30, 2003

How to Deal with the Lies and the Lying Liars When They Lie about "Bowling for Columbine"
by Michael Moore
Michael Moore responds to the wacko attackos...
Friday, September 26, 2003

All media are active metaphors in their power to translate experience into new forms. The spoken word was the first technology by which man was able to let go of his environment in order to grasp it in a new way ... In this electronic age we see ourselves being translated more and more into the form of information, moving toward the technological extension of consciousness.
Marshall McLuhan (1911-1980)
Understanding Media, The Extensions of Man.
MIT Press, 1964.
Friday, September 26, 2003

The Office.
If you have the chance, don't miss it. I'm not much for TV these days, but this show is a riot.
Thursday, September 25, 2003

Lost in Translation
With a bunch of Academy-award-winning talent (is that too many hyphens?) on the team, Sophia Coppola has a hit on her hands. And, is it just me, or is Bill Murray back? I mean, really back. Ever since he started doing Wes Anderson films, I think he has shown true talent. Not bad for a guy who to used chase gophers in Caddyshack. Don't get me wrong, I love that flick ...
official site
interview with Sophia and Ross Katz on official site
interview w/ Sophia on
Yahoo! feature
Friday, September 19, 2003

3 DVDs: Gondry, Jonze and Cunningham
The YI article below focuses on Michel Gondry, but I all 3 DVDs should be good. You can check out preview clips here.
Text below from Youth Intelligence
We already told you about Mike Mills (Mike Mills TC), the latest indie director to be joining Spike Jonze in the cool kid club of music video-turned-feature film directors. So whose name will you be hearing next? We’re placing our bets on Michel Gondry, whose past work includes videos such as Bjork’s 1993 “Human Behavior”, Daft Punk’s “Around the World”, The White Stripes’ “Fell In Love With a Girl” (Legomania TC), and commercials for Levi’s in 1994 and Smirnoff in 1996.
Until recently, Gondry has remained relatively unknown by the general public, but a few upcoming projects may make him a more recognizable name. On October 28th, the DVD series Directors Label, featuring the work of other alternative directors such as Jonze and Chris Cunningham, will hit shelves; one disc of the series will be entirely composed of feature shorts, commercials and music videos from Gondry. And for New York City and San Francisco residents, The Resfest Digital Film Festival will be screening 16 years worth of Gondry’s music videos and ads. But what may really push him into auteur stardom is his forthcoming feature film, Eternal Sunshine of the Spotless Mind, which Gondry collaborated on with writer Charlie Kaufman (Being John Malkovich, Adaptation). The film stars Jim Carrey and Kate Winslet and will be released in 2004. So, next time you’re watching music videos, take note of those directors’ credits. You may see some of those names as part of bigger projects in the future.
Thursday, September 18, 2003

the new white stripes video (the hardest button to button) is pretty cool.
check it out.
Wednesday, September 17, 2003

stealth disco.
Wednesday, September 17, 2003

9/11 2003.
i'm in europe where, unfortunately, many people have dramatically changed their opinion of the united states over the past two years. from the looks of the numbers below, it ain't just the euros who trash us. it is hard to imagine that this could happen, especially after the global tide of warm feelings and sympathy following the attacks two years ago.
thanks, w.
in fact, thanks dick. thanks rummy. thanks wolfy. thanks condi. thank you all. thank you all very much. on behalf of the world, to' dun, mamnuun, salamat, ngeyabonga, meda wo ase, takk, toda, khawp khun, dankie, tashakkur, sas efharisto, misaotra, merci beaucoup and danke schoen!
image source: new york times
Thursday, September 11, 2003

a nice new forwarding service from cingular. hope this catches on elsewhere.
Cellphones That Reach Alter Egos
NYT, by David Pogue
Press Release
Cingular Wireless, SBC Communications, BellSouth Introduce Device For Routing Incoming Wireless Calls To Wireline Numbers
Thursday, September 11, 2003
