When your president has his own action figure, things are not good. You can buy the president for $39.99 ... On the bright side, that's a lot less than Enron and others had to pay.
You can buy the president here.
Tuesday, August 26, 2003

Taco politics ... This is insane.
Fcuk you Taco Bell!
Just when you thought the recall situation in California couldn't get any more ridiculous, here comes Taco Bell. Their latest scheme is to encourage people to buy one of their food products and Taco Bell will cast a "vote" on their website for the candidate which that food product represents. Unfortunately Taco Bell's bias is showing. First of all, they've only got three options in their promotion - Arnold Schwarzenegger, Gray Davis, and, um, "one of the other 134 candidates." Ri-ight. Arnold's food product is the beef crunchy taco. Got that? That's beef as in man-mountain, and crunchy as in hard stuff. Gray Davis's food product is the chicken soft taco. That's chicken as in, um, chicken, and soft as in, well, soft. Oh, and is there any doubt that beef crunchy taco is Taco Bell's best-selling item? Gee, I wonder what the results of their "election" will be. Not that it really matters anyway - cast a Taco Bell vote for Gray Davis, Arnold Schwarzenegger or any of the other 134 candidates and chances are you'll spend the rest of the afternoon on the toilet.
lifted from:
Tuesday, August 26, 2003

A nice pair of gadgets. $30 or $1300 ... Take your pick.
Sony The DSC-F828
Smart ID's WFS-1
The world's first commercially available WiFi detector
Tuesday, August 26, 2003

Nomination for site of the year:
Monday, August 25, 2003

A must see ... Stick-figure remake of one of my all-time favorite videos.
Fatboy Slim: Weapon Of Choice
Made by Gareth Forman (aka Stick Figure Ninja) for the nice people at b3ta.com. "I've made a Flash version of Fatboy Slim's Weapon Of Choice video," writes Stick Figure Ninja, "the one where Christopher Walken dances, but used a stick figure instead. It took bloody ages."
In case you haven't seen the original video (by Spike Jonze), it is here.
Monday, August 25, 2003

Ed Vulliamy has lost that loving feeling.
Farewell America
After six years, The Observer's award-winning US correspondent Ed Vulliamy takes his leave from a wounded and belligerent nation with which, reluctantly, he has now fallen out of love.
Monday, August 25, 2003
