In "Dot Con," award-winning FRONTLINE producer Martin Smith takes an inside look at the precipitous rise and fall of the Internet economy -- and examines the allegations that brokers at some of Wall Street's most prestigious firms manipulated the hot IPO market of the late 1990s. Wall Street, of course, would prefer to forget the past. But investors and investigators want to know: During the headiest days of the Internet bubble, did investment banks and venture capitalists betray the public's trust? Did "irrational exuberance" give way to fraud?
Dot Gone: Homepage on PBS FRONTLINE
Dot Gone: Watch Online Video
Wednesday, January 30, 2002

Offline operations drive online subscriptions.
Banana Republic is one of many companies using its retail stores to build an opt-in database. Think about this: Anybody walking into your shop is a prospect worth having on your email list. They already know your brand, and probably like what you've got to sell. So strike while the iron is hot and offer them a newsletter they can't refuse. Make the sign-up easy -- asking only for the most basic information -- and the newsletter irresistible. Keep a pad of paper and a drop box next to the register and have your sales reps asking for permission. Just get the opt-in before they leave. If you're selling cosmetics for example, offer a fun new makeup tip each week. There's no reason for them to say no. So leverage your in-person contact with them, and offer an email they can't refuse.
The lesson: Once you've lured them into your shop, the hard part is over. Now just get them on your subscriber list and you can market to them again and again -- 52 times a year.
Text from GasPedal Ventures who also have 11 great strategies to double your email list for free.
Tuesday, January 29, 2002

Hyper-geek-speak, but worth watching.
Video lecture by Larry Page about replicating Google's innovation process
Title: Google should not be an anomaly: A blueprint for inventing and building innovative and successful user-centric products. This speech was part of a series given at Stanford, for the class CS547: Human-Computer Interaction Seminar (Seminar on People, Computers, and Design). Ironic, since he left PhD program at Stanford (and that class/professor) to found Google. The bio page for Page's presentation is here.
Past Abstracts of the class are available online, either by year or by speaker.
On-line videos of the presentations since November 6, 1998 are hosted at http://stanford-online.stanford.edu/murl/cs547
Friday, January 25, 2002

Get the "elevator pitch" -- or the shaft
Five tips on how to polish the ever-important ''elevator pitch.'' Elevator pitches should be brief and focused, contain only necessary information, address customer concerns and key issues, understand the competitive landscape, and demonstrate a firm grasp of the underlying business. In conclusion: ''No matter what you sell, be it paper clips or whiz-bang gizmos, always have three sizes of sales presentations ready to deliver as circumstances demand: regular-sized, super-sized, and the elevator pitch.''
Friday, January 25, 2002

I came across a few interesting things published by Accenture. The first three mainly deal with different aspects of brand loyalty, and I tossed in the fourth, about the Euro, just for kicks. Fact: 95% of all transactions in countries who have adopted the Euro are now being done in the new currency. It has been less than four weeks since the changeover. Amazing.
More than miles: Designing successful loyalty programs
Faced with saturated markets and high customer churn rates, telecommunications operators are shifting their focus from acquiring new customers to acquiring profitable customers and maximizing profits from existing customer relationships. Operators would do well to take a cue from the airlines, which have long used loyalty programs to identify, acquire and retain profitable customers.
January 2002
Building Brand Loyalty and Increasing Marketing ROI
The long title is actually "Insight Driven Marketing: Using Customer Insights to Build Brand Loyalty and Increase Marketing ROI" ... This report discusses current marketing challenges, describes how executives are responding and identifies the characteristics shared by companies with the most successful marketing practices. It also recommends the actions companies can take now to improve the operational effectiveness of their marketing function, and significantly increase return on marketing investment.
January 2002
Beyond the Blur: Correcting the Vision of Internet Brands
Accenture recently examined the online buying habits of 2,000 US consumers across 17 industry segments. This landmark study, conducted with Online Insight, an eCRM technology company, found that in many cases the facts contradict prevailing wisdom. Here, for the first time, is hard evidence about what it takes to build brand value with online customers.
Novemver 2000
Europe: The euro and eCommerce - Bringing Europe closer to a single market
Many analysts continue to view the euro and eCommerce as largely unrelated phenomena. Yet the combined impact of the single currency and eCommerce can be expected to forge powerful synergies across the euro zone, enhance European global competitiveness and accelerate the emergence of a pan-European capital market. This article discusses the interactions among the two developments and the profound strategic implications for businesses.
January 2002
Thursday, January 24, 2002

Yahoo launched a new paid search service, called Yahoo Premium Search. The content integration and technology company, Divine, the company that acquired Northern Light, is powering the new service.
You know, I never paid for Northern Light before, and I'm not sure why I'd pay for it now. I'm sure that they'll make some cash for the service, just given the increased exposure that it will get from being distributred by Yahoo. However, selling premium search services to the business community (unless your name is Dow Jones or Lexis Nexis) is going to be really tough. Plus, there is Google.
Yahoo claims that the new service has:
- Over 70 million full-text documents
- Compiled from more than 7,100 diverse sources
- In-depth coverage in business, health, science, news, and much more
- Prices for most documents range from $1 to $4
- Free document summary before purchase
- Money back guarantee
Yahoo Premium Search
Northern Light
Thursday, January 24, 2002

Content a Tough Sell in Europe
Wired News
They may have switched to a universal currency, but Europeans aren't too inclined to spend it on Internet content. Online information has always been free on the Continent, and many would like to keep it that way. Chloe Veltman reports from London.
Thursday, January 24, 2002

Thought of the day:
We are the music makers, and we are the dreamers of the dreams.
From Ode, the first poem in Music and Moonlight, a collection of poems by Arthur O'Shaughnessy. Kids like me know it thanks to Gene Wilder in Willy Wonka and the Chocolate Factory.
Wednesday, January 23, 2002

update: Jan. 22 ... Kazaa Sells Site
The popular Dutch file-trading company, facing Napster-like legal troubles, sells to a privately held firm in Australia. (They had suspended downloads and a decision from a Dutch court was due on January 31.
Tuesday, January 22, 2002

10 things Google has found to be true
1) Focus on the user and all else will follow.
2) It's best to do one thing really, really well.
3) Fast is better than slow.
4) Democracy on the web works.
5) You don't need to be at your desk to need an answer.
6) You can make money without doing evil.
7) There's always more information out there.
8) The need for information crosses all borders.
9) You can be serious without a suit.
10) Great just isn't good enough.
descriptions are on the google site:
Tuesday, January 22, 2002

peter gabreil continues to shake the digital tree.
On Deman Distribution, the technology firm founded by recording artist Peter Gabriel, has announced a trio of new business partnerships and new funding at the MidemNet conference. OD2, as the firm is called, will develop digital subscription music services for Microsoft's MSN Web portal, dance music label Ministry of Sound and mobile phone service provider Orange France, the company said. The company also said it had secured £4m from a group of investors including British venture capital firm Quester. The money will fund operations for the next two years, the company said. OD2 also works with Italian internet service provider Tiscali and BTOpenworld, the ISP for British Telecommunications.
Peter Gabriel's Net firm adds new clients
ZDNet, UK Edition
Monday, January 21, 2002

until i find his address for the postcard, i'll just write it here ,,,
To: wes anderson
From: i-boy
hey, saw the royal tenbaums yesterday. thanks wes. i needed it. another great flick. another great soundtrack. already looking forward to the next one. in the meantime, i'll just keep watching rushmore.
The Royal Tenenbaums
Bottle Rocket (amazon.com)
Monday, January 21, 2002

Techno babble exposed
Darwin Magazine
January, 2002
A humorous look at the jargon surrounding a typical technology vendor solution. Included are candid definitions for areas such as e-business solutions, IT infrastructure, and software. For example, the article defines ''best of breed'' as ''defining an area narrowly enough so anyone can claim superiority in a category'' and ''next generation'' as ''newer versions of software or hardware that the salesperson claims can easily be added later.''
Friday, January 18, 2002

Looks like another headline for the guys over at The End of Free. What will we all do for MP3s if Kazaa and Morpheus disappear?
Kazaa Suspends Downloads
By Steve Gold, Newsbytes
Dutch portal Kazaa has announced it is voluntarily suspending downloads of its file sharing software until further notice. The company is halting all downloads in lieu of a decision of the Dutch court on its future, which is due on Jan. 31.
Friday, January 18, 2002

Yahoo's earnings are up, and Jefftrey Mallett is out. I read a lot about Terry Semel these days, but never hear from Jerry Yang anymore. Is he next to leave "to spend more time with his family?" Or is Filo? I don't know ...
Yahoo's Loss Narrowed in 4th Quarter On 39% Revenue Drop From Ad Slump
WSJ.com (paid subscription required)
Yahoo! tops targets, president quits
Yahoo gains after earnings, exec's resignation
CNET News.com
Yahoo Narrows Loss; President Resigns
Washington Tech
Yahoo! Loses Mallett, Beats Estimates
Yahoo! Makes Progress but Remains Profit-Poor
Friday, January 18, 2002

an oldie, but a goodie ...
food folks & heiferman
i was a 20-something dethroned dotcom ceo that went to work the counter at mcdonald's
by scott heiferman (12/00)
Thursday, January 17, 2002

one man.
one mouse.
one war.
Harvey the mouse has to go!
Sunday, January 13, 2002

Western Europe surpasses US in number of online users
Europemedia.net - 07/01/2002
By the end of 2001 the number of internet users in Western Europe exceeded that of the US for the first time, while the region has also surpassed Japan as an e-commerce revenue source, becoming second only to the US, according to IDC research.
Saturday, January 12, 2002

"chronicling free to fee and beyond." contributors include evan williams (one of blogger's founders), tara calishain (research buzz), and olivier travers (dunno what he does, but he contributes a lot of good content).
Saturday, January 12, 2002

guardian unlimited's seven wonders of the web ... in order:
1. google (yup.)
2. yahoo (yup.)
3. project gutenberg (uhh, ok.)
4. multimap (much better than mapquest.)
5. ebay (yup.)
6. amazon (well, ok.)
7. blogger (a bit premature, but yes.)
one major complaint i have is that they limit the "seven wonders of the web" to specific web sites and thus do not include meta-concepts or services. what about entire business sectors like "online banking" or "online travel?" they are just as important/wonderful to me as amazon.com or the lofty project gutenberg. those of us in nyc (and a few other lucky cities) might want to nominate the now-defunct kozmo.com to this list as well. (i really miss kozmo.) does being out of business disqualify you from making this list? finally, i wonder how long before a couple of these "wonders" are bought ... if yahoo is (finally) acquired, can they still make the list? if ebay buys yahoo do they get two listings? we'll see. ;-)
the seven wonders of the web
Guardian Unlimited
Thursday December 27, 2001
Saturday, January 12, 2002

the end of an era ...
Silicon Alley News: Seneca Takes Organic
@NY, January 11, 2002
Seneca Investments on Friday completed its tender offer for interactive agency Organic, making the San Francisco shop the latest acquisition of the secretive New York-based holding company.
Friday, January 11, 2002

the article notes that a first-mover advantage is paying dividends for yahoo auctions in japan. i'm sure that yahoo's relationship with softbank is helping keep ebay at bay as well. put this in the "one more reason ebay may buy yahoo" list.
Ebay mulls options after Yahoo Japan rout
By Thorold Barker in Milan and Paul Abrahams in San Francisco
Published: January 10 2002
Tired of all the good news and gooey gushing profiles of online auctioneer eBay? Then check out Financial Times' story reporting that eBay has been ''routed'' in Japan by Yahoo. FT reports that eBay ''is considering the strategic options for its Japanese operations'' now that Yahoo Japan ''has more than 90 percent of the domestic online auction market.'' FT says eBay is considering selling its Japanese unit, or putting it into a joint venture - or making an acquisition ''to provide critical mass.'' eBay's senior vice president for international operations admits its Japan site ''has been a significant disappointment for us.'' CEO Meg Whitman admits ''Yahoo is very well entrenched. We did not give the Japanese team enough support.'' FT notes that Yahoo was the first auction site to gain critical mass in Japan, just as eBay did in the U.S., where it ''proved a strong shield against competitors.''
Friday, January 11, 2002

this story this just keeps getting better and better ...
WSJ.com - Arthur Andersen Says It Destroyed Documents Related to Enron Account
Thursday, January 10, 2002

It's the CEO, Stupid
by Esther Dyson
distributed by The New York Times Syndicate - January 02, 2002
Thursday, January 10, 2002

Google Hires a Grown-Up
By Adam Lashinsky, February 2002 Issue
With an eye toward an IPO, the search technology firm snags D.C. insider Sheryl Sandberg to drum up new business. She's a well-connected Harvard MBA and a former World Bank economist, and she most recently worked as chief of staff to former Treasury Secretary Larry Summers. So why has Sheryl Sandberg ditched D.C. for a new job in Silicon Valley -- a business development job, no less -- at ... Google?
Thursday, January 10, 2002

a major coup for espotting ... not great news for overture.
Yahoo Europe partners with PPC Engine Espotting
09/01/2002 - europemedia.net
European Pay-Per-Click search engine Espotting today announced that Yahoo! Europe will be incorporating Espotting's top five search results in their own search results, effective immediately on Yahoo! UK and Yahoo! Ireland.
Wednesday, January 09, 2002

The Daypop Top 40
Links that are currently popular with webloggers from around the world.
Tuesday, January 08, 2002

Companies and Things to Watch in 2002
Ryan Naraine and Erin Joyce for @NY
Enough with the obits already. Silicon Alley of the late 1990s is dead and buried; enough scratching of the sore, we say. Let the healing begin. As the new year starts, we took our annual look around and, as usual, found lots of interesting things, trends, people and companies to write home about.
Tuesday, January 08, 2002

"Same procedure as last year, Madam? - Same procedure as every year, James."
"Dinner for One" ... Starring Freddie Frinton (Butler James) and May Warden (Miss Sophie). A fantastic, 15 minute British TV sketch from 1963 that has become a New Year's cult classic in Germany. If you see it in a video store, rent it. It is very very funny.
Internet Movie Database
Tuesday, January 08, 2002

Happy New Year!
Prosit Neujahr! ... Vie Schwein viel Glück!
Bonne année 2002 à toutes et à tous!
Tuesday, January 08, 2002
