The Power of Six Degrees“CONNECTED: The Power of Six Degrees” is a new BBC documentary that unfolds the science behind the popular trivia game “Six Degrees of Kevin Bacon,” whose notion that anyone on the planet can be connected in just six steps of association was supposed to be an urban myth.
If you've never heard of
Network Theory, I'm pretty sure that this programme will be a wonderful intro to the subject. It looks very good, and the two researchers/scientists involved are top-notch.
The film follows two young scientists, Harvard’s
Laszlo Barabasi and Yahoo! Research’s
Duncan Watts, as they work to uncover the pervasive law that nature uses to organize itself. Watts is the author of “
Six Degrees: The Science of a Connected Age.” Barbasi penned "
Linked: How Everything Is Connected to Everything Else".
“CONNECTED: The Power of Six Degrees” premieres tomorrow night on the Science Channel in the USA.
If I can't find this on TV soon (like on the iPlayer) I might have to download it someplace else.
Yodel Anectotal.