Barak Obama for President
For almost eight years, this blog has stayed politically neutral. Whilst I've endorsed ideology now and again, I've never endorsed a political candidate on i-boy.
But this year is different.
We're at a critical junction of American and indeed world history, and the choice is clear. Barak Obama offers hope for today, a plan for the future, and a clear understanding of what's gone so horribly wrong in the past eight years.
Obama has proven himself adept and intelligent. Like the best leaders and US presidents I know, he's chosen to surround himself with people often smarter than himself. Joe Biden is a solid VP, and trusted names like Paul Volker, Colin Powell, Eric Schmidt, and Warren Buffett to name just a few, have teamed up with Barak Obama.
He has also chosen the high road, deciding not to involve himself (as much as possible) in negative campaigning. And for this, I give him an incredible amount of credit.
After his opponent's apologies after his last presidential run, one would have expected the same. Alas, this has not been the case, and America has been subjected to some of the worst vitriol that I can remember in the history of modern US politics. But, despite the race baiting, attempted guilt by association, cries of socialism, and other far-fetched negative slings and arrows from his opponents, Obama has never given in.
At times, it was difficult for hot-headed bloggers (like i-boy) to understand why he would not put up a fight, but in the end it must be said that Obama's cool, calm and collected demeanor will do America a world of good given the multiple crisis that the country is facing. It says a lot about his character, as does this wonderful photo:

There are many many other reasons to vote for Barak Obama. The
New York Times does a pretty eloquent job of explaining them, in case you need some additional info.
So, go vote.
And when you do, vote for Barak Obama.