Yahoo! BuzzYahoo! Buzz is a social media experiment by Yahoo! that is currently visible to the public but in a closed beta to publishers in the USA.
I think it is very smart and has a lot of potential.
It is a lot like
Digg (the early innovator in the category), but it has 10 times the incoming traffic, and Yahoo gets a percentage of ad-revenue from each of the sites that were promoted to the front page.
Yahoo! Buzz features the most popular stories, determined by people around the web. A story's Buzz Score is based on people’s votes, searches, emails, and more. Stories with the highest Buzz Score may be displayed on the Yahoo! homepage.
Publisher’s stories that get linked from the Yahoo home page get tons of traffic, as you can imagine. Yahoo says they’ve sent 16 million visitors to outside sites in those first two weeks based on data gathered from pilot program sites.
More here:
Yahoo Buzz is a Game Changer for Social Media; And Spells Trouble for Digg!ReadWriteWeb
Yahoo Buzz: Yahoo Reveals Stats From The First Two WeeksTechCrunch
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