Saturday, March 01, 2008
First episode last night. I wished I'd recorded it. It made me want to wear a suit to my copywriting job, part my hair and smoke constantly. Looking forward to more.
# posted by Hayes Thompson : 2:13 PM, March 03, 2008
Hiya Hayes,
I've got it on my Sky box. Agreed that it is worth a second look. I said the same thing about the suit look to our CD this morning. Needless to say, all I got was a strange look and a laugh.
If you can't get a copy somewhere (like Torrents on Pirate Bay that I know you would of course pay for), you can pay a couple bucks on iTunes ...
# posted by George Nimeh : 9:51 PM, March 04, 2008
Clearly, the answer is always a coupon, when solving ANY major advertising problem...
# posted by Will : 4:06 PM, March 28, 2008