The Whopper FreakoutCheck out the size of most of the "
Whopper Freakout" people ...
Allow me to speak on behalf of all Americans:
We (and not just the big fat we, mind you) would realllly miss burgers if they were taken away.
Big time.
Add a brand name and a well-known burger (BK Whopper, in this case) and you'll get "shock and awe" on a scale not seen since there were bombs over Baghdad.
If it were a Big Mac, you'd have rioting in the streets. You see, the French don't have a corner on the protest/riot market. Yanks just need a good enough reason.
And FWIW, this ain't no
Subservient Chicken. At least that let people play with the stupid freggin chicky. This time, all we get to do is lean back and watch an
8-minute made for YouTube BK docudrama.
But that's what good couch potatoes do best, isn't it?
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