Links for 2007-07-09 []
A very random assortment today. Enjoy.
- uncov / Surprise, Mahalo Still Blows
Ladies and gentlemen of the jury, it is clearly visible from the evidence presented in Exhibit A that the accused, Mahalo, sucks at the internet.
- Betfair sponsors World Series of Poker - Brand Republic
Smart move: Online betting company Betfair has agreed a deal to become the 'presenting partner' of the World Series of Poker Europe.
- The World Series Of Poker
Details of the European event
- Golf Punk Online
Forums. Funnies. Ha ha. Also see Jesper Parnevik's hat. Nice.
- Write Articles, Not Blog Postings :: Jakob Nielsen's Alertbox
To demonstrate world-class expertise, avoid quickly written, shallow postings. Instead, invest your time in thorough, value-added content that attracts paying customers.
- Hacking Cough: Blog posts: inferior quality sells
Alertbox emails are good in that they often come up with antidotes to received Web 2.0 wisdom. But the latest one, telling people that blogging is bad for Internet exposure, looks a bit off-target.
- IMEEM - what's on your playlist?
IMEEM is an online community where artists, fans & friends can promote their content, share their tastes, and discover blogs, photos, music and video.
- Bunny suicides
Oldie, but a goodie.
- LolCat Builder : incredible. Stupid, but incredible.
- roflbot - add text and captions to your pictures roflbot is for adding text to a picture, a.k.a. an image macro generator. You can do it all in your browser without using Photoshop.
Tuesday, July 10, 2007