Digg This: 09-f9-11-02-9d-74-e3-5b-d8-41-56-c5- 63-56-88-c0Om Malik sums it up better than I can: To recap, someone has posted a link to a story about the said key getting cracked, and included the key in the title and description of the story. Digg staff took down the story, fearing that it would get sued by MPAA, as outlined in this blog post by CEO Jay Adelson.
This resulted in a proverbial take-to-the-streets riot, and now most of Digg front page stories are either related to the key-story, or are variants of the original deleted story. Ryan Block of Engadget is not alone in wondering, “How did such a loyal userbase as Digg’s so quickly divert its all-consuming energy to defying — even damaging — the company to which it was so loyal?”
One of my readers (hi Jon) sums it up nicely, “I think the real story here is user-generated content biting back when it’s actively censored by the site generating revenue from it.” Another dear friend is wondering if this is going to lead to traditional media wrinkling their nose at the social media and its ills.
If you're curious, see what Kevin Rose at Digg did, or check out this article from the NYTimes: A throng of tech-savvy Internet users have banded together over the last two days to publish and widely distribute a secret code used by the movie industry to prevent illegal copying of high-definition movies.
The broader distribution of the code may not pose a serious threat to the movie industry, because only sophisticated technologists can use it to tailor the decryption software capable of getting around the copy protection on Blu-ray and HD DVD discs. But its relentless spread has already become a lesson in mob power on the Internet and the futility of censorship in the digital world.
Or, a bunch of links on TechMeme. Or these sites : Pajamas Media, paidContent.org, Google Blogoscoped, Andy Beal's Marketing Pilgrim, Hardware 2.0, Lawgarithms, TechCrunch, Today @ PC World, Digital Download, HipMojo.com, Tech Beat, The Browser, The Blog Herald, Between the Lines, BloggingStocks, Forbes, Epicenter, MarketingShift, PodTech Network, Reel Pop, CostPerNews, Licence to Roam, andrewteman.org, The Secret Diary of Steve Jobs, Valleywag, IP Telephony, VoIP, Broadband, CrunchGear, Joe Duck, Common Craft, Open The Dialogue, Liquidmatrix Security Digest, Search Engine Guide, Slashdot, SMOblog, engtech, J. LeRoy's Evolving Web, CenterNetworks, Venture Chronicles, Guardian Unlimited, Online Media Cultist, PlagiarismToday, franticindustries, SearchViews, PaulStamatiou.com, Andrew Lark, Boing Boing, Texyt, O'Flaherty, Andrew Lih, Tech_Space, Graywolf's SEO Blog, Todd Watson, Things That, Life On the Wicked Stage, Bloggers Blog, GracefulFlavor, duncanriley.com, Virtual Economics, Pwned, Techscape, Journalistopia, Basement.org, A Whole Lotta Nothing, The Social Web, Cult of Mac, InformationWeek, The Last Podcast, Infothought, parislemon, Electriblog and Gadget LabOr these: Ars Technica, ...My heart's in Accra, Buzzworthy, Phil Windley's Technometria, Chip Griffin, The Globe and Mail, Silicon Valley Sleuth, Between the Lines, Search Engine Roundtable and Social Media ClubOr these: Epicenter, Valleywag, The Lede, Mashable!, Kelsey Group Blogs, Today @ PC World, Telegraph Blogs, Webware.com and MediaVideaAnd these: GigaOM and parislemonOh yeah, and these: Good Morning Silicon Valley and rexduffdixon.com Technorati Tags: social.media, blogosphere
Thursday, May 03, 2007
tee '09 F9' with the whole code on it! http://moeschwag.com/hcrcot.html
# posted by : 4:43 AM, May 03, 2007
