Fool me once
Was's viral stunt really brilliant, as I suggested? Is the joke really on us?
Maybe not.
I got suspicious, because in my heart of hearts I just couldn't imagine being that smart. Smart enough to see it coming. Smart enough to plan the whole thing. Smart enough to make a video that looks like it is real but really isn't ... Smart enough to "get it."
So, I checked the Whois records for, and it turns out the site was registered on August 2, 2006. That's 2 days after the video was uploaded to YouTube.
So, which is it? Was the whole thing intentional as they would have us believe, or is this a campaign cover-up? I think they're trying to cover their tracks, and online that's a hard thing to do.
In the immortal words of Dubya, "Fool me once, shame on... Shame on you. Fool me... You can't get fooled again."
Technorati Tags: blogosphere, advertising, viral,
Friday, August 04, 2006
Nice job ;-). We've been debating the merits of the so-called "viral" video all day over in my corner. I've had the same suspicion that this is a lousy cover-up.
Funny how divided (like red/blue?) the two camps of thought are. My question is whether this furthered the marketing community--or the new video medium--at all? My answer? Nope. Nada. Not one itty-bitty iota.
Why not give us real customer insights...and why interview so-called customers on Fifth Avenue when the same street that hails Tiffany's isn't really reflective of Subway's customer? What, you couldn't hop a real subway to 125th Street?
And to think that agencies were looking to shed their out-of-touch ego-riddled reps. Now an entirely new generation of YouTubers will think as the current generation does. Way to tank the industry.
Thanks for your sleuthing ways. This marketer appreciates it.
# posted by CK : 11:33 PM, August 07, 2006
And their 15 minutes of viral fame are over: Technorati:, 7 day chart
# posted by George Nimeh : 3:14 AM, August 08, 2006
