MySpace: #1 among all internet sites
With a 4.5% share of all US internet vivits for the week ending July 8, 2006, MySpace topped both Yahoo and Google as the #1 site on the internet. Here are some Key numbers for MySpace:
• 75M: Registered members • 30 billion: Total monthly pageviews • $580M: Murdoch's purchase price • $1M: Daily revenue from homepage • 4.5%: US market share
If there were any lingering doubts as to the power and potential of social networks, look no further than the latest report from Hitwise:
Today Hitwise issued a press release reporting that for the first time, has surpassed Yahoo! Mail as the most visited domain on the Internet for US Internet users. To put MySpace's growth in perspective, if we look back to July 2004 represented only .1% of all Internet visits. This time last year represented 1.9% of all Internet visits. With the week ending July 8, 2006 market share figure of 4.5% of all the US Internet visits, has achieved a 4300% increase in visits over two years and 132% increase in visits since the same time last year.
Technorati Tags: blogosphere, social.networks, research, myspace
Wednesday, July 12, 2006
