Netflix to Offer New School Media Lessons
So, if the NYTimes thinks that Hollywood can learn from Netflix, does that mean that TV Guide can learn from Cozmo TV?
Best dinosaur quote from the NYT article:
The problem is that the studios have sold the exclusive digital rights for most movies (which don't apply to physical DVD's) to a television channel, like HBO. The agreements last for years and, since they bring in millions of dollars, the studios aren't about to stop signing them.
So what's saving Netflix - allowing it to thrive when the technology to obliterate it already exists - is yet another attempt by Hollywood to hold onto a fading business model. Remember, this is the industry that filed lawsuits in the 1970's to prevent people from watching movies at home. Class dismissed.
Technorati Tags: startups, 2.0, dinosaurs
Wednesday, June 07, 2006
