Photography, as we all know, is not real at all. It is an illusion of reality with which we create our own private world. - Arnold Newman
The idea of environmental portraiture, a style which Newman popularized, has always facinated me. His photographs are biographical. You know something about the subject, just by looking. They are beautiful works of art. His is an intuitive style which requires a directorial flare in order to create mise en scène. Seemingly, Newman also had the blind trust of his subjects, something not easily accomplished in portrait photography.
If you are looking for his work, the PDN Legends Online is a fantastic place to start. The Wikipedia has a nice entry with plenty of links. ICP.org is ok. Google images, when all else fails.
His obituraty in the Times is here. He was 88.
Technorati Tags: off.topic, photography
Wednesday, June 07, 2006
