CMP tries to trademark Web 2.0
This is a case study in how to engender the wrath of the blogosphere:
CMP is trying to trademark the term "Web 2.0" and is sending cease-and-desist letters to conference organizers who are using the term, including IT@Cork, who work with Tim O’Reilly and John Battelle to put on the Web 2.0 Conference each fall.
Sara Winge (VP of Corporate Communications) asked Tim O'Rielly to post the following message on his blog: Controversy about our "Web 2.0" service mark. The first comment, from JP, is priceless and indicative of things to come. Another comment, from Andy, points out the irony of Tim's having a Creative Commons badge on his blog. Classic.
This will not turn out well for Tim O'Rielly or CMP, and I agree with Michael Arrington that a lynching is going to take place, and Sara Winge has put Tim O'Rielly's head in the noose. "They are going to shoot first and ask questions later - Shel Israel, for example, wrote “O’Reilly has just put himself on the fast track to reputation implosion” and he may be right."
CrunchNotes: Tom Raftery received a cease and desist letter from the General Counsel of CMP Media, who work with Tim O’Reilly and John Battelle to put on the Web 2.0 Conference each fall. The letter demands that Tom stop his use of the term “Web 2.0? in a conference he’s putting on. The letter states that the use of the term is under a trademark application in connection with live events, conferences, etc. My favorite line of the letter: “…the public have come to associate the mark Web 2.0 and the Web 2.0 Conference with CMP and MediaLive.” I have to say that when I think of web 2.0, CMP is not the first name that pops into my head. O’Reilly and Battelle sure. CMP, no.
Discussion via TechMeme: Naked Conversations,, TechCrunch, Scobleizer, Message, Rex Hammock's Weblog,, Naked Conversations, Things That,, Brand Dialogue, Texas Venture Capital …, Digital Micro-Markets, Ben Metcalfe Blog, The Post Money Value, Helping Bloggers Succeed, Paul Kedrosky's …, Mark Evans and Damien Mulley
Technorati Tags: 2.0, blogosphere
Friday, May 26, 2006