Madonna goes 2.0
Sceptical at first, I must admit that now that I’ve seen it, I think the new is actually quite impressive. Three things, in particular:
1. The navigation is quite cool.
2. I like the way the modules are sleek and well defined. They snap together and produce a pretty seamless page.
3. I checked out Chime Interactive who says (my bold for emphasis), “MADONNA - The new web site for the pop-star/legend was done in conjunction with our friends at PROD. Design was handled by PROD and AJAX/DHTML/JavaScript/PHP front-end technology and back-end database publishing features were handled by Chime. This bleeding edge site features the latest and greatest innovations in AJAX-style coding combined with in-browser re-creations of desktop features like dragable and minimizable window panels. Content is generated from a database to static flat files to optimize server performance and controlled through a restricted administrative panel. Initial launch Oct 2005 Full launch Nov 2005, under continuing development.”
Monday, November 28, 2005