Never Pay Retail A service of JohnTabin.com
I feel the need to eat a bit of crow, but I think I'll only be eating it for a few days. It seems that since NYTimes columnists are syndicated to other papers who do not charge, it is still possible to read many of the OpEd pieces for free. As they do not represent breaking news, it is not reallly a problem that you need to wait 24 hours to read them. This means that I can still read Dowd and Friedman and co. for free if I wait a day.
However, it doesn't seem like this will last long. I was about to question Niesenholtz' judgement and lack of planning by not anticipating this, but it seems that, as ususal, this is more a question of the print and syndication folks playing catch-up with the web. Editor & Publisher reports on the Times's syndicate policy changes.
From Never Pay Retail: Each day, today's regular New York Times op-ed columns will be noted, each with a post title indicating the name of the columnist and the Times's title for the column. As they become available-- usually within a few days-- at least one link will be added in the body of each post to a syndicated copy of the column from a news source that doesn't charge for access.
Thursday, September 22, 2005
