Update: BzzAgent and Creative Commons
They called it off. See: BzzAgent's blog and Lawrence Lessig's blog and Joi Ito's blog.
In the end, I find this sad. Sad, because of those who chose to fight instead of cooperate for the greater good and benefit of CC. Sad, because of those who chose to be elitist and ignore the benefits instead of working together to help CC grow. Sad, because of those who were so quick to destroy something just because they could.
If anything, I hope that those who shunned this partnership and took the time to share thier thoughts will take it upon themselves to carry things forward, organize themselves, and promote CC. It is a wonderful idea and deserves it.
To those who were against it, I challenge you to back up your passionate criticism which ended this partnership with action. Step up and take on the challenge. Volunteer your time. As there is no relationship here to criticize any longer, you have no reason not to.
Thursday, May 05, 2005