The press pool is getting a bit bored, I think. Below, the New York Times' David Sanger files his report in rhyme. Funny, I did that on my AP Bio final. Guess it worked for him too. BTW, thanks, Wonkette, for pointing this out ...
Pool Report #3
July 20, 2004
St. Louis to Andrews There was no news aboard Air Force One,
After it left the tarmac at six-fourty-one. No news, I say, save for the President's sweat,
Which soaked his shirt, hoo-boy was he wet. No official, tall or small, came back to spin,
'Til McClellan drifted by with this little thing. Turns out that when the 9/11 commissioners visit 1600 on the 'morrow,
They will meet no C-in-C, to their sorrow "Just Judge Gonzales and Condi,'' said Scott,
Though the next day they return for the POTUS photo-op. With that guidance we went into descent,
Our stories filed, our color sent. The big plane landed at nine-twenty-two,
And disgorged its tired, cranky little crew Yet as we wandered into that good night,
One hundred and four days remained to re-witness the fight. David E. Sanger
NY Times
Thursday, July 22, 2004