Michael Moore says it is ok to share his movie, Fahrenheit 9/11, over the Internet. I started downloading it today, via Bittorrent.
I don’t agree with the copyright laws and I don’t have a problem with people downloading the movie and sharing it with people. As long as they’re not doing it to make a profit, you know, as long as they’re not trying to make a profit off my labor. I would oppose that."
source: MichaelMoore.com
Here are some Bittorrent links to "Fahrenheit 9/11". Another good place to look is on Supernova. Just search for Fahrenheit 9/11. Here is one Bittorrent of Fahrenheit 9/11 on Supernova. Here are two more: F911 and Bittorrent
Even MooreWatch, a decidedly anti-Moore web site, is promoting the download. Always nice when critics lend a helping hand ... MooreWatch - Steal This Movie
Wednesday, July 07, 2004