44% of U.S. Internet users have contributed their thoughts and their files to the online world.
Pew Internet & American Life Project: Content Creation Online
WASHINGTON (Feb. 29, 2004) – More than 53 million American adults have used the Internet to publish their thoughts, respond to others, post pictures, share files and otherwise contribute to the explosion of content available online.
A new survey and report from the Pew Internet & American Life Project find that 44% of U.S. Internet users have contributed material to the online commons.
While blogs or personal online journals have captured the attention of the technology community, most of those who have made contributions have done so in less cutting-edge ways. Here are some of the things American adult Internet users have done:
21% of Internet users say they have posted photographs to Web sites.
17% have posted written material on Web sites.
13% maintain their own Web sites.
8% have contributed material to Web sites run by their businesses.
7% have contributed material to Web sites run by organizations to which they belong such as church or professional groups.
7% have Web cams running on their computers that allow other Internet users to see live pictures of them and their surroundings.
4% have contributed material to Web sites created for their families.
3% have contributed video files to Web sites.
Monday, March 01, 2004
