Krugman v. Cavuto
The China Syndrome
By Paul Krugman
... Meanwhile, both the formal rules and the codes of ethics that formerly prevented blatant partisanship are gone or ignored. Neil Cavuto of Fox News is an anchor, not a commentator. Yet after Baghdad's fall he told "those who opposed the liberation of Iraq" — a large minority — that "you were sickening then; you are sickening now." Fair and balanced.
Potshots From a Hypocrite
By Neil Cavuto
... Since no good deed goes unpunished, leave it to The New York Times to take a shot at me. Not The Times itself, but columnist Paul Krugman, who blasts me for my apparent blatant partisanship. ... Now may I suggest you take your column and shove it?
Thursday, May 15, 2003
