"We shouldn't be talking about pay versus free anymore," Martin Nisenholtz, CEO of The New York Times Digital division said of the shift away from ad-supported content online. "It's the wrong debate. The right one is about focusing on profitable businesses that can actually scale in the marketplace as more consumers turn to digital in a variety of forms."
Online Publishers Debate Free vs. Paid Content
AtNewYork, by Erin Joyce
Paid online content revenues to reach E6.58bn by 2006
Europemedia, by Duncan Alexander Kerr
Revenues from paid online content will grow to $5.8bn (E6.58bn) by 2006 – up from $1.4bn (E1.6bn) in 2002 according to new research from Jupiter Media Metrix.
Pay for Content? Whaddya, Nuts?
AtNewYork, by Beth Cox
The growth of paid online content is going to be slower than media companies would like, according to a new study, which found that a full 70 percent of Internet-using adults polled this month can't understand why anyone would pay for content.
Yahoo tests paid-programming waters
CNET News.com, by Jim Hu
Borrowing a page from RealNetworks' book, Web portal Yahoo is trying to get a read on how willing the market is to support a subscription-based streaming-media service.
Net users less willing to pay for content
Tue Mar 19, 6:03 PM ET
Jim Hu, CNET News.com
Even though consumers are growing more comfortable with buying stuff on the Web, people are hesitant about paying for online content, according to a study released Tuesday.
Wednesday, March 20, 2002