Fortune tackles "web services." A sign that either the concept is finally mainstreaming ... or ready for burial. Fortune also wins the prize for the word of the day: gird. Software's giants gird? Was it really that important to have a quasi-alliteration in the title of the piece. What a weird word.
Software's Giants Gird for Upheaval
A vague new thing called web services is stirring up new battles among Microsoft, Oracle, IBM, and all of software's biggest names.
by David Kirkpatrick
The software industry is seething. It's the beginning of the biggest competitive reshuffling since the early days of the World Wide Web. Some major players are fraught with fear. Others suddenly envision new empires. Longtime alliances are falling apart, and old enmities are getting more bitter even as new ones spring up. The cause of all this instability and drama: a vague new thing called web services.
Thursday, February 28, 2002
